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Username:unicorn8170, 54 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen 
I play mostly:Painted Yatzy - played 9286 times
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GB entry was submitted to lamper
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Loser against the computer
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Loser against the computer
Loser against the computer
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Tour loser against AngelzTearz
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Painted Yatzy3941 / 5204561
Ludo951 / 15650
Bandit Racing979 / 9450

Profile for unicorn8170


You Havent Seen The Last Of Me

Feeling broken
Barely holding on
But there's just something so strong
Somewhere inside me
And I am down but I'll get up again
Don't count me out just yet

I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me
You haven't seen the last of me

They can say that
I won't stay around
But I'm gonna stand my ground
You're not gonna stop me
You don't know me
You don't know who I am
Don't count me out so fast

I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it
I'll be back
Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me

There will be no fade out
This is not the end
I'm down…
my fav unicorn
i love you and hate your football team

miss you too uni. everyones gone from this place , it isnt the same
Happy Holidays to you and yours Uni. Hope all is well.
cute pics xoxoxox
Havent seen you on lately Uni you ok?
uni you sexy thing !
soooo cute childrens
stop drinking tea it's pants :P
Love all the pics, you have some gorgeous kids and grandkids hun xxx
Love all the pics, you have some gorgeous kids and grandkids hun xxx
I just love you! <3 ***
Merry Christmas to you and your family from mine and a Happy New Year!! You have been such a dear friend and I couldn't ask for better friends! God Bless xoxo Erica H
another great blowit away in 4th qrt by the cowgals on sunday !
awwwww uniiiiiiiiii, that is so sweet!!!! I know you are so proud
congrats on new grandbaby
don't spoil her to much lol
:) xx
great pictures - is that the marine uniform -
i can stalk ur profile back so its all good :P muha and i didnt need to be bored to do so ;)
i can stalk your profile back to uni seeeeeeeeeeee :P lol
Happy Birthday Uni!!! Hope you have a fabulous day! ((HUGS))
Happy Easter Uni!<3 u
Hey hope you have a lovely christmas day :)
Merry Christmas and a happy new year hope u have a great holiday with your family <3 ashy
Uni... I missed you too!. I have to admit, there are a few of you that I missed tons and now with no fb and chatting on there, I had to come back to my girls!
peek a boo!!!
Happy Birthday hun hope you have a great day :) xx
im nosey , why u stalkin me :P i know i know , im that awesome that ya gotta look at me a few times huh lol
Tyvm for being my friend Uni <3
Ilike u very much. Our humor is almost the same and u allways make me laugh. Ur a good person Uni. Lots of hugs...
Love Jane.
Thank you for being a proud Marine MOM. You can rest assured that we are as proud of him as you are. God Bless you!
you look like you have a very nice family and i wish you good luck with them for a long time you are a very nice and beautiful woman hope to get to beat you in some games striker70
Happy New Year Uni!!!!
heyy i wish you and your family a very merry christmas and a happy new year :) love you lots xox have a safe year in the new year 2011:)
Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year
Uni. Ty for being here for me hon, Merry Christmas to you and Mr Devil.
***TAG*** I just tagged you (1) Where ever you may be...Happy Holidays to you and your family from mine! Thanks for being a part of my life and being such an awesome friend I hope we have many more years to come (1) xoxoxo
great pics uni. have a great x mass. theres still time to change your fav football team from dallas to new england b4 they go 3-13 rockon my dear xo oz
Uni love your pics!! I'm so glad u had a nice time with your son!! Nice looking family you have!! I think your the best!!! Love laughing and cutting up with you! Thanks for being my friend !!
hi thanks Uniii for your lovely GB entry :) I am truely blessed to have such great friends you can stalk my profile anytime ;) xoxo u have been stalked from Tennessee!!!
uni you are a very nice person. And your my coolest online drinking buddy. I'm glad i came to dacl because i got to meet you. Your a very sweet person, dont let anyone tell u any different.
you have a nice looking famliy and i injoy playing game with you have gl in your games your a very nice person glad to know you
congrats.. he look very nice in the Uniform!

Yes Sir!

hug uni
Very nice pictures of your sons graduation. You must be very proud of him. Lub u. force.
i just wanted to say that im soooo glad we r friends and to let u know i appreciate everything u have done for me and for being there for me when i needed friends to help with my situation loves u always ur my hooch :) and im always here for ya muahssssssss
Cute baby:-)
(((hugs))) Your such a beautiful woman inside and out, I'm so glad to call you a true friend xxxx
Huggerss Uniiii, hope all is well with you and your fam. xoxo
love you uni!!!!! :)
I am working on your crown gumby. I hope you like it. I will finish yours first then work on pokeys. lmao
Nopey pokes uni. Just don't tell pokey. Or he will want in. lmao
Gumby ha ha. To cute. My son love that show when he was little
Gumby rules and is the best. And no matter what will always come to your rescue. lmao
got to love gumby. lmao
Boo JUst dropped in to say hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii , x x x x x x Linda x x x x x
Love ya sweetie.. always.. muahs ...god bless u all
Hey girl it might be sooner than you think that you will see me I have a feeling I will be moving to Ohio or Louisiana instead of NC
I love you girl
uniiii my girll thanks for being such a great friend to me, i got ur back u got mine!! us really pretty devil is lucky to have you!!! kisses hun
gr8 pics hun , you're so pretty xxx linda xxx
ty for the awesome gb entry sweetie.. U know i adore u.
congrads on new g baby she is soooo cute
Hi my sweetie.. You are truely a beauty on the inside and outside.. I Love ya to peices .. Hope your dreams all come true from now to eternity. Muahssssssss
what you wrote is precious <3
unicorn8170 on that day they was banned me so i was quite 3 days :( unicorn now ill never say any word in lobby they will missed me in lobby
awwww uni love the new pic !!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sweetie!
3 lucky wins...thats ur christmas present ;) yw :P
Your granddaughter is gorgeous hunni :) xxxx
hey sweety.. just writing to say hey and to say your such a sweet person..and devil is a lucky man to have you in his life. Don't worry about the others and always know that when you have something special,there are always those that wish they were you. Once it slips away, its always missed. Someday you get over it.(we hope) lol muahsssss
nice pictures <3
O M G yes I watched it... Brody needs to kick Jayde to the curb and then run over her face!
Hope you and your Family have a wonderful Thanksgiving....
Happy Turkey Day my hooch from Me,Tc,Bill glad we r friends u will always be my hooch loves ya
Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours! xxx
Hey sweetie. Just wanted to stop by and say that I love how you are.. the person you are and the way we click.. ooo and ermm give your man a big kiss from me..lol (not the tongue tho)
Love ya ..God bless you and your family always
Thx for the add hunni :) xx
gr8 pics hun xxxx
***BOO!!*** :P
~Damn you finally put a "real" picture of you up....Devil Girl with wings hmmm and them sure as hell aint no angel wings!!! lmaoooo Have a safe and Happy halloween girl...love ya xoxo Sommer~
~Hey Uni...I love the pics, the grandbaby and the kids are beautiful!! I love your saying its awesome and so true....and you are very pretty also...and you a funny and sweet girl...Hey I think I have found that most wanted devil you have in your pic wheres my money lmaooo~*hugs*~ xoxoxo~Sommer
hmmmmmmmmmmmm where do i start oh yeah hiya hooch imglad we r friends u have helped me thru alot along with crazy, haybug,mothertrucker and saints i am glaid we r friends muahsssssssssssssssss
Uniiiii, love the pics that you do, they're so pretty just like you :) Hugs to the Unicorn Lady lol
great photo hun, good picture of mooner and nipplehead rofl ahaha had to much love xoxoxo
Hey miss pretty..good to see you.. and that devil of urs.. well I mean in a picture..:P
have had dome great chats ! thanks for the ear...stay safe and have fun with the devil
them ludo games were rigged or something , yup , had to have been :P
Ya he is one of a kind only nipplehead i know rofl haha had to....
Plz don't moon me for that
Congrats Amber !!! :D
do the cooking lol hi huny love the pick off yur family xxxxx
just thought i would stop by n say hello...congrats Amber! :)
Amber is a beautiful lady! Wow mom wtg! Just want to stop by and show u some love ! later Chuck
lol not winning too many games i see :P
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . i just being a pest :P lol
oops i already left u a gb yesterday gosh i swear sometimes i have a short memory span LOL anyways loves ya thought i would come by n say hello ;)
booooooooooooooooo lol
nice to see ya back :D i was missing my easy wins hehehe :P hope ya feeling great ;)
just coming by to see if ur okay n all ...get bk with me loves ya
hey goober butt lol
just coming by to sayyyyy heyyyy!! loves ya chck-a-dee!
haha i won lol skills as usual ;) hehe :P
hahaha u win cause your cheating. i win cause its ALL SKILLZ lol
hi just checking in.. is good to see devil still on there. with u.. tc ..god bless
boo :P
loveeeeeeeeeee the new pic of the lovebirds ahhhhhh everyone should envy you two how cuteeee!!!!!!!
just wanted say hey and thank you for my ever so sweet gb entry loves ya hunnies
hey sweetie!!!! just coming this way to say heyyyy hope your doing okies! talk to ya soon! lubs u!
hey uni , nice 2 know u , dunno about u being a devil gurl cus ur abit 2 nice 4 that , guess i will have 2 listen 2 ur friends and see wot they say about u lol ,dont think ive played with u yet , so guess ur not as clever as u look , keep happy uni and happiness will follow u ..luv 1uk ;-)
Love ya girl! xxxxxxx Smooches & hugs
hey sexy, love ya hehe!!!!
Oh, so YOU'RE the onw i keep running into in that state! Very nice ...I needed this. mialibi "mia"
hey my sweetie LOL!...oh looky!!!! We have a guest!!!! aww how sweet...she has a sour pickle up her azz...well guess thats a good thing....she does need abit of perking up wouldnt ya say....np it was my pleasure! ;) services like this dont come cheap..anyone else needs some perking up let me know...i got plenty of pickles to serve all your saggy needs! ROFL!
hellooooooooooooo baby.........i love ya and no worries wheat people say, we will always remain the QUEENS of blow off
yeah watch out for them she-devils like you.......
ooops I just wrote on other persons profile..lol anyways wht i said was . I hope u get everything you ever dreamed of..your children are beautiful.. so is your man however watch out for she devils on here... cuz they sure can be bad on here.. muahs
im bored cant you see....noone ever leaves me comments i feel so left out wahhhhhh LOL!!!!!
cant type the sound for it but the motors running on the boat...lmao
hiyassssssss ;) from the skilled pro digger whateva u wanna call me lol :P
she is cute
heeeeee heeeeeee heeeeeee heeeeeeee heeeeeee
i think i got it!!!!! (25) (25) (25)
hey my gorgeous momma! Just coming by here to show some luv to my best gal ever! talk to ya laterz
Uniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WOOT WOOT Just sending you some well deserved SUPA love your way!!!!! mmmmmmmxoxoxo
weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! i beat your hiney in ludo teeheehee how ya do the rocket on here? LOL!
heyyyyyyyyyy just thought i would say hey damn where is the rocket how ya do the rocket on here lolllllll
Hey PIC ;) Luv ya sweetie!!
hey gffffff really nice pics u r a special person tc have fun in ur games


havent sed nothing 4 like ummm ages ...soooo im about 2 now , soo uni i hope ur well and u got sum nice pics there , ur a good friend and ummm im trying 2 think of nice stuff but its not working ......ok i need 2 think ...t/c uni and be happy . 1uk
heyyyyyyy gotta love the cabana boys LOL
ok im bored so im going around leaving e1 comments LOL heyyyyy
heyyyyy just thought i would stop by and say hellllloooo!! beth~
AWWWW... your pics are adorable... specially the main one. Gotta love it right lol.
hey 8170 nice horns on ur pic , anyways its nice 2 of met u and ummmm i thought id leave a nice comment , as u can see im tryin reallyhard but totally unlike me ..im speechless , what can i say ? , nuffin cus im speechless .lol uni keep happy as i cant pick on u when ur sad ..... 1uk :-)
wow lol im the only one that leaves comments well anywhooooo just wanted to stop by and say heyyyyyyyy have a good day!! :)
omg lmaooooo i cant even remember if i jsut left you a comment or not if i did...dont post this one just post the first one LOLLLLLLLL but anywhooooo hope all is well wuv ya beth~
Have A Great Valentines Day!! Much Love Foxxy~
hey uniiiiiiii you silly azz talk to you soon foxxy~
hey uni seein as u signed mine , im allowed 2 sign urs ;-) , but nice 2 meet u
hiya uni xx
there ui goo xx
bubbi xx
sorry its short xx
lol xx
Just dropppin you some love hehe
neeeeeeeeeeeener neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeener i was out in the first round lol
Hi hun, yes we were crazy having four kids...lol...but we wouldn't change a thing :)
your kids and granddaughter r gorgeous
look forward to playing u soon
Uni, just stopping by to wish you and your family a very blessed Thankgiving and send some love your way! David James
Hey hunni, your pictures are the bomb. Bunch of cuties like thier mother! And thats so true! Just sending alittle love your way!!!! Hugz and muahz David James