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Onlinebandit Vulture
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Online status:Offline, last seen 
I play mostly:Power Yatzy - played 6982 times
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Latest activity
Received GB entry from icenz
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Received GB entry from paul on line
Winner against rikske
Winner against rikske
Winner against rikske
Winner against rikske
Loser against rikske
Loser against rikske
Winner against rikske
Loser against rikske
Winner against rikske
Winner against rikske
Loser against rikske

Game Won / Lost Best score
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Power Yatzy3596 / 33501881
Ludo455 / 4040
Bandit Racing185 / 1710

Profile for foxy*

Popped in after about 9 years... expecting you to be in there chatting away :P hope lifes treating you well my friend <3
elloooooooooo u hope you ok xx
never get to see ya n chat anymore woman...do i have to fly the whole way over there to see you?? you know if that happened then i have to deal with your son also...dunno if i can handle both of ya at once lol...j/k hun but i do miss our chats...always fun n crazy...hope all is going good
Miss ya foxy loxy xxx hope your all good
Illl swap cos i seem to have lost summer and i want it back!!!!!!! damn winter!! hope all well with ya miss ya need to catch up soon
It's been sooooooooooooooooooooooooo long!!!!!! Your so beautiful and thats never changed!!!!!!!!
u can run but you can't hide woman lol
oh no runnnn hideeee she's backkkkkk lol