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Username:JenSmiles, 42 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen 2 hours ago
I play mostly:Ludo - played 6329 times
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Ludo2714 / 32820
Backgammon1333 / 167587
Painted Yatzy1418 / 1370574

Profile for JenSmiles


hi mom thanks for the info love you x10,000
Haha....thanks!....beating me is a rare occasion (specially since im so mean and all) lol....hope you enjoyed it!!!!!!! See ya on the other side
Loving you millions beautiful!!!!
nice baby you have.. congrats!
Awwwww lovely wee girl hunni , i named my doggy bailey :) love the name. xxxxlinda xxxx
awww shes adorable :)
Hey smoke long time no see or here just thought i would say hi and i hope you are doing good
Happy Birthday Jennifer!! 28 damn youre getting so old :P
jennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn awww ur lil girl is absolutly beautiful i love talking to u on skype and thanks for being 1 of my best buddies.. p.s. tell hubby i said.... g'day mate!
you have such beautiful children! what a lovely family!
Ok you have my address! Since your fashionable sister helped you decide on spring clothes, I get a pic! I want one now! Love love love it!
My pretty grand daughter.
wow she got big fast lol
Happy Holidays hun :)
Merry Christmas Jen! Hope you enjoy your holidays and may the New Year bring you awesome things.
Merry Christmas to you and your family
Merry x-mas hun,i wish you ALL the best for you and your familly!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family... be safe and thanks for being so sweet. Keep Smiling...
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas
and a fantasic New Year in 2010
Hi Jen, Thanks and I also wish you a merry xmas and a wonderful new year to you and your familly ! Martin
Hey thanks for the GB
Hope you have a wonderfull christmas and a great new years too
Hugs Dee :-)
~Jennnnnnnnnn...Hope you and the fam have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!! I know Bailey is gonna have an awesome time this year!! love ya girl xoxoxo~your SommerGirl =)
hiya hun just wanna wish u all the best fir christmas and a very happy and safe news hun
Great playing BG with you. Just checked you Profile and what can I say. You truly are blessed. What a wonderful family. You are full of love and happiness. A pleasure to know you.

~Jen the pics of Bailey are adorable!! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!
Love ya xoxoxo Sommer
Thanks for inviting me to be friend and let you know your daughter is beautiful... I play here for good laughs and meet nice people. Keep smiling and i will see you in the games.
Hi back lol
Jen...so i thought i would write in your guestbook before my membership ends later today because we all know ob hates me and never wants to take my card. I seriously dunno where to begin. Thanks for being such a great friend. Ever since i had Christopher i have lost so many friend and even u know who i mean the most. You were there when i needed to talk my whole pregnancy. Even through i was hard headed and never listen to you, lol i probley should have because thats probley why i had so many problems. But like i said you were there when i needed to talk through the whole thing and still here now. I'm just thankful that i didnt lose you as a friend.
Ok... So everyone knows, Jen gets her great looks from her BIG sister! lol! Love the new pics. Our girls kinda look like sistas! We made some beautiful babies. I love you sooo much and all these people may know they have a great friend on OB but... I am the luckiest b/c I have the greatest friend and Sissy in the world! BTW... whatcha doing stealing my Bailey pics? I believe that Black & white one is MINE! Anyways,,, just wanted to say love ya!
ss jen i messed up on our game but congrats to auto win. Gl to rest of your games hun. Tc
you are soooo pretty xxxxx linda xxx
you and your precois girl are so beatifuls!
Im glad to meet you! HUgs!
~hey Jen~Just wanna ty for being the best friend a girl could ever have!! You have been there for me in sooooo many ways~I dont know what I would do without you sometimes!!~You can always make me smile or laugh when it seems impossible to do!!~we can sit on the phone all day and night everyday and never get bored ~Now I know why Bailey has the most awesome Mom in the world (besides me haha) and why Matt has the most awesome woman he could ever ask for!!~and thats why I am honored to have you as my bff...and I cant wait to see you!!
Love ya girly~you my fav hooch ever :D *hugs*n*kisses*
Ok smoke here we go lol when i read you gb you sent me this morning it ment the world to me it really touched my heart and thats something thats very hard to do. But we both know sommer has it lol but ok well look here you are a very special friends to me you are always there no matter what like when i got in that car wreak my brother told me you texed and called so many times it was unreal.And when i'm sick or something you are always there calling and texting to check on me.I like to think i know you pretty good and i can tell when something is bothering you and i will never let up on it so fyi next time just tell me the first tiem lmao and its kinda like you said smoke there is nothing in this world that will keep our friendship apart you are a true diamond in the rough when it comes to friends ship thats why i put you on a ring and will ware it forever ty smoke,belle,tatertot,,smilly,knucklehead,,and sometimes hard head lmfao ok buddy love ya
jenjennnn aka smokey, aka belle and the list goes on lol hey buddy just wanted to drop u a line or 2 or maybe even 3 hehe. hey the meaning of a friends to me is a person you can talk to, laugh with, cry with, and just confide in them and jen you are that person to me there is not a time yet when i needed you that you turned you back to me you have always been there and i hope you remain there wich im sure you will . but like i was saying you are just perfect dream to have as a friend and i'm so glad we are i would't change it for nothing in the world. the only part i dont like is when you kick my butt at bg lol but i can live with that lmao well ok jenjen,smokey,belle knucklehead and blah blah blah lmao you have a good one and tc care love buddy and ty
You're lil girl is so precious, she must take after her mommy :)
So glad that i am 1 of your friends hunni your a great person to talk to and to have a laugh with :) :)
Jen Jen, I have known you for awhile now. Glad u called me the other day was so nice to hear your voice. SO DAMN SEXY! w00t w00t. Thank you for not judging me like alot of people do here. Your an amazing friend. Thank you Much love to you and your family XOXOXO Supa
heyyyyy JenJennnnn...you are are an awesome girl~we have such a blast when we talk to each other on the phone~besides one of the kids screaming lol I am so glad to have such a wonderful friend like you....maybe someday we can meet up and do a drive by in canada LOL love ya girlie xoxoxo
8675309!!!!!! Damnit...why is that song stuck in my head!!! weeeeeeeee!!!
hey girl u r a trip glad i got ya as a friend stay the same dont change ill have to get drunk with u all 1 nite. loves ya
hey jen whats up hey buddy i just wanted you to know i treasure our friendsship you are a very sweet and caring person and you have a special glow about you and i want you to know i will NEVER do ANYTHING to hurt our friendship in any way.
Thanks for still having the nerves to deal with me even after all this time :D I wouldn't trade you for anything! Well, most of the time... haha :P Keep on being that wonderful and funny girl, you are simply awesome :/
Hey Jen i just wanted to say thank you for the nice letter and thanks for all the talks we have you help me more ways than one, its always nice to have a friend to share a few nice words to you and i just wanted to say thank you for that.And if you ever need anything you better let your lil fat buddy know ok.
aww damn 4got to write in your gb for you birthday :( ss hun, but here i am now :) Happy Birthday JenJen you are a very cool and funny chic you are alot of fun to be around..xoxoxo sommer
Well smoke i'm so sorry i missed you b-day so here it is HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY hehehe. and most of all you are a awesome person jenn and i'm so glad i can call you a friend i'm thinking its a southern thing lol, well ok smoke i'll stop for now and as we all say GOOOOOOOOOO TIGERS......... or we all should say lol ok sweetie have a good one and see you on ob .
happy bday to the most awesome girl on this entire site!! ;)
Happy Birthday babes... Im glad that we got to know each otheryou are a very sweet caring and loving person and can make me laugh no matter what kind of mood im in. LOve ya babes xoxoxoxo
:D Jen, Guess what? I am now using up even more space on OB :D Happy B Day sweetie. Glad we have become friends. Holla soon......... Spanks
hello there my JenJen :). I am soo glad I got to know you, you are a wonderful friend!!! You remind me of myself lol your funny as hell :D. But baby doll I hate to burst your bubble tho.... I am the BG QUEEN lmfao. Love ya xoxoxo
Jen u r so sweet and a great player. Keep Smiling!!
Hi Jen.. well first of all, you are the bestest partner everrrr :D
Any game with you is sure to be a blast. Im glad that I have met such a wonderful person like you.
I owe you so much smiles that its not even funny !! I will pay you back somehow, i just need to figure out a way to do it :P
You are just the sweetest thing and have a beautiful family hu. It's always so much fun playing games with you. Keep your humore and keep your smile... you are one to be cherished in friendship.

Woot Woot!!!!!!!! Hiya sexi, I love playing spades with ya.... you bring a huge smile to mah face. Flirt ya later ;)