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Username:lisa21, 42 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen 
I play mostly:Backgammon - played 5557 times
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Loser against Professor
Winner against jackandjill
Winner against gmc
Loser against *tigereye*
Winner against *Molly*
Winner against sjn.
Loser against Syrenne
Winner against cgfatcat
Winner against OrEoLoVeR69
Loser against marce123
Loser against brit10
Winner against gypsynancy
Winner against sarale100
Winner against Eliz@beth
Winner against onerollwonder
Loser against banjo
Tour loser against banjo
Winner against CuddlyDice
Tour winner against CuddlyDice

Tournaments won Players Opponent
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Game Won / Lost Best score
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Backgammon2203 / 326086
Puzzle1580 / 1442807
Ludo513 / 5190

Profile for lisa21


Hi im Lisa from Lincoln uk enjoy this site there is some great people on it x
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!!!!
i wish you a very merry christmas hun an your a great td
loves grannyandrea
hey lisa u r a great td and i really enjoy playing in your tourneys. ss to hear about your loss i know what u r going throu i just lost my father-in-law on Dec.8,2007 so this christmas is going to be really hard and i lost my father on Oct 27,1990 and it is still hard for me around the holidays. I will be thinking about u and your family. I hope that u have a good christmas.
hi lisa your nephews are very sweets.... many kisses!!!!!!!!!
Hi hun ty for inviting me to be your friend I am very touched.
sss about your grandads. They are suck a big part of our lives.
My Nan reared me from the age of 11. Your neices and nephews look cute. Love you lotsssssssss..........shazboooooxxxxxxxx
when are you going to give me the cheats that you been using for racing hahaha
TY Lisa for being such a great TD and an asset to OB. We can never thank you enough for all you do for us. Only the best. Jay
hi i am james i like ur profile and i like u as a TD......... you are verey nice at playing puzzle and bg and u are veary nice ty 4 comeing 2 OB and being a TD
Hey Sweetie,
You're an awesome TD and an equally awesome person. Thank you for taking the time to make so many people happy.
Love you bunches!!
lisa i just wanted u to know im praying for u n ur family we will be praying for u im ss for the lsost of ur granddad if u ever need someone to talk to im here hun u and i became really good friends n i thank u for being there for me when i was down love ya hun
Hi Lisa ... I very much enjoyed our games and chat together.... you are a sweeie XOXOXO.
lisa your a star taken out of the sky and sent to us at ob, just had to say thnx for all the great tourneys you do and being a friend , mwahh
lisaaaaaaaaaaaa :D hellloooooo
hi hun ty for all your tourneys hun and if you want a challenge in puzzle stop playing janet all the time lol i will give you a few games :P
i love the pics of the kids hun

take care hun

tanya xoxoxox
hi hun ur a good puzzle player i enjoy most of our games unless u win lol and tha is all the time lol to win 1 would be nice some time so feel free to let me win gl in all ur games and the futre all the best jay ;)
hiya hun just thought i wud say hello
love Janet, Alfie & Archie xxxx