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Username:devil06, 39 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen 
I play mostly:Painted Yatzy - played 1737 times
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Latest activity
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against sydluver
Tour loser against sydluver
Loser against Cenika
Tour loser against Cenika
Winner against grimm2
Tour winner against grimm2
Loser against LUCKYPURPLE
Tour loser against LUCKYPURPLE
Loser against jager
Tour loser against jager
Winner against bren1961
Tour winner against bren1961
Winner against CrabbyRoad
Tour winner against CrabbyRoad
Tour loser against SaladeVerte
Loser against pinsmommy1
Tour loser against pinsmommy1

Tournaments won Players Opponent
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Painted Yatzy
Painted Yatzy

Game Won / Lost Best score
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Painted Yatzy620 / 1010534
Chitris253 / 133288
Puzzle211 / 1290535

Profile for devil06


Hi All and Welcome to my Profile Page.
My name Annie and you all know me as Devil06
Am going out with Bullit89 who i love to pieces
My Mum Vixen who a caring person who i will never change.
My bro and sis Bandit and Baby Vixen who i think the world of.
My older Sis Charlie who been there when i need chat to.
My good friend on here is Ruby she a sweetheart
and all the rest of my friend who are good to me on here.
Am looking forward to play games with u all.
Hey Devilgurl.. I hope u hada greeeaaat Christmas & I Hope u have a Happy New Year xx
well hi Annie,,now i know your name,you seem to be a real sweet young lady,,so glad i have met ya on here...stay young and sweet and always love da family...thats matters most of all!!
Hey Annie,
Just wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and wonderful blessings for the upcoming New Year. Take care hun.
Hugs Anna
hi hun.. wish you all the best you and ur bf ;). you r such alovely person .. so always tc and have fun xxxx
hey sweetie (<3)

Sorry for havent the time (not only time, my msn boots me all the time i dunno why i am keeping that rubish) to talk to ya

But remember always i am your buddy and YOU take care :D
hi sis hes cool i like him beta than the other dumbo plane lv u sis
Thank you for being my freind. You have a handsome boyfreind hun. I will definately play another game of yatsy with you because you are alot of fun to be with.
Thanks for the friends invite hun...We will have to catch up for a game sometime...Just be careful playing my sister (kfree1904) i think she has cheating dice....lol
Thank you for all the friendly games. I will give you a game of ptd anytime hun. must be your turn to win next lol.
take care and stay safe. xxxxx