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Username:nyabc_dolphm1, 55 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen ...
I play mostly:Backgammon - played 6600 times
My homepage:littleddolphin.piczo.com/?cr=6&rfm=y

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Backgammon3289 / 31440
Painted Yatzy918 / 930577
Ludo414 / 3870

Profile for nyabc_dolphm1


Hiya Everyone and I bet all of you know me as well (p) hehe. I am addict (ob) and I love this site alot of fun (p). My boys are 8 and 6. They are strong boys but pain in butts, lol. And my little girl is 3 she is sweet but spoil brat sometimes. I (h) my kids so much in my heart! My husband (Skull N XBones) Patrick is in (ob) too. Hey honey, I (h) you in my heart!! (h). Here my friends from TDs and VIPs are greatest and fun! (h) (p)Here other friends from bandits are greatest too and of course they all are FUN to play or chats. (h) (h) (p)Hey all of you, If you want to chat into private room or in lobby or play games with me just SHOUT (:o) hehe (p)Love you ALL!!Maria ( aka NYABC_DolphM1)(h) (h) (h) (h)
hi hun its me lol always a pleasure too play bg with you tc and god bless all in family
hey girlie
play you one day
get them steel panties on girlie we going to spark,
set ob alight lmaoooo
loves da foxy xxxx
ditto with oreolover
hehe i signed urs now u gotta sign mine
heyyyyyyyy gfff ur the best keep up the good work on being a td ur soooo cool to hang with n be around love ya hun
hi hun nice pics ur a pleasure to know and great fun xxxxxx
Hey hunny,
Thanks so much for playing hours and hourssss of bg with me! (and letting me kick your butt hehe) Most importantly, ty for being such a good girlfriend!! Love you lots..... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
U know i'm not good at that so u r giving me a hard time huh? :P :P
Well hehe that's not going to work :P
Hmmm... Great pics hunni :)
Hey sunshine......OK......You wanted me to say something......so.....what do I say? lol, All I can say is I love you tons! :P Give 'em hell, babe.
heeey hun hugsssss ur great td n good person i'm very happy 2 meet u n pat hmmm love u sweetiee big MWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH 4 u
hiya hun lovely pics ur a brill td and a joy and pleasure to talk to even though u cheat lmao luvs ya xx shaz xx
Hey hun =) hugssss You're a great person & I'm glad I met you & Pat. You're both so very helpful with me =) Thanks for being good friends =) Take care!
Dear Maria, nice see you and your family here..i see they in cam a few time ago.. but now are here..
Hugs and kiss for all there..include Pat.. you have a sweet family!
Mariaaaaaaaaaa .... You are one of the sweetest people i ever met here, you are so cool and I really like you sooo much:D.. Glad i got to meet you hun. God bless you and ur lovely family .. all the best wishes xxxx