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Username:rollthimbonz, 56 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen 
I play mostly:Spades - played 6536 times
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Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against birdsonbat
Loser against professor
Winner against the computer
Loser against professor
Loser against malaperden
Winner against tray me
Loser against sted
Loser against womble
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against the computer
Winner against the computer
Loser against fortunateone

Tournaments won Players Opponent
Click here to see all 41 won tournaments
Painted Yatzy

Game Won / Lost Best score
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Spades2425 / 40730
Backgammon2196 / 235124
Yatzy2039 / 1863485

Profile for rollthimbonz


Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
sweet as ever xo oz
sweet as ever xo oz
awsome pic of tornado , profile is informative also , funny!!
i like martha's way
EXCELLENT profile lol!!!
sweet oic roll as rush sings roll the bonessssssssssssssss !! xo ozzy
My Dear Friend rolllll Love them picture hun pls do me a favorite keep my maggie in prayers !!!! big hugs and miss talkin to you Vickie
Hola Dear.. happy new year to yoo too.. can i said.. I love you !

Hug From chile :)
hi hun ,
Hope you had a great Christmas & wishing you & your family a Happy New Year :)
ur friend always ninapepsi
nice pics roll the bonzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!
holy chit is that u in those pics