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Username:ozzette rocks, 56 years
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Online status:Offline, last seen 
I play mostly:Backgammon - played 1209 times
My homepage:myspace.com/sharpwicked1

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Received GB entry from 0zzette

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Game Won / Lost Best score
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Backgammon444 / 75359
Painted Yatzy353 / 388562
Puzzle103 / 435374

Profile for ozzette rocks


im almost back people!! missed every1 badly. miss the good times!! foxylady, rangeryogi, spinalpumkin, icenz, ozzy59, cenika, ect. cant wait to chat with ya soon!! life is awesome!! xoxoxoxoxo
Ozzeteeee gl with ur surgery hun hope everything goes ok for u ..Loveeee you my sista from anotha mista XO
whats up girl u are bad ass! i know u wont change so wont tell ya not to. Love ya TY 4 all the advice n help u givin me ur the best. IM holding u to the amsterdam offer too soo waiting to hear from ya LOL
yo ozzette!! too bad they don't have pies for pics on here. Stay in touch GF and causing that trouble!! lol Love ya!
momma i love ya but u r a computer HOG lmao bye
P.S as with shawnas comment "me n icey dont fight:P he likes to bug me n i bug him back"...i disagree...shes the one that always starts the bugging, geez...liars these days
ozet my rockin grasshoppa!! how kind...you have a picture of my liberty up there *blush* hahaha rock on brudda!!
weeeeee finally a guest book
your my best m8 on ob
i love ya to bits
your fun ya smart azz and ya wickedddddd
rocking mama
woooooo hoooooo
foxy xxxxx muuaahhhh !!!!
Ozzzzeetttt you do Rock!!! Great profile hun, stay sweet!!
Ozzzeeettteeeeee You rock girl!!! Now go comment my page hehe Love ya girl! *PIE*
Hey ozzetteeeee wtg

Stay cool and sweet and as for ur old profile lol me n icey dont fight:P he likes to bug me n i bug him back lol.

Love ya muahhhh
:P stay cool :P
:Diuno what else to say ...im shy :P

heh *blushes* :)
hi hun nice profile and happy new year hun xxxx tanya
hyaaa ozzette you rock hunni yep i will be good so dont ground me lol hope you have a great new year go safe cuz i love you loadss <3 all my love kayleigh xxxx