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Username:Philospher, 37 years
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Profile for Philospher


Hi Friends,

Life is short, so enjoy it with fun and responsibility. Don't do anything which could hurt innocents. Please Respect everyone, this is what I have learnt in my life.
I am indebted to a girl whom I met online for introducing me to a lot of things, including this site. She was literally a guide to me in the cyber world. For example, she taught me internet lingo, such as YO-YO, the word ASBO, ROFL etc. She was also my English teacher, making me aware of a number of British slangs and proverbs like "Ship shape and Bristol Fashion".
When we first met in a chat room, I thought she was an elderly lady saving my ass from a bunch of idiots (the room raiders).
Then she disappeared from the internet for several days without any trace, but I kept the hope to see her again and waited for her. Finally, I saw her online and then there began our friendship. I was fond of her even after so much of differences in our culture, customs and language, religion. For example, She liked corn beef and fish chips, but I am Vegan. She had no interest in maths, but I was good at maths. She was polite, kind-hearted and logical being, and I was sometimes rough, frolicsome and mischievous. She was a year older than me, and I always took her as my teacher in many ways. I was so fond of her company that I eagerly waited to meet her every evening without delay. She was a student of social studies at UHI, and I was a Computer Science graduate at IMT. We were barely 20 and immature, she often used to have hard days due to hormonal change and used to get mad at me for no apparent reason. "Silly me", I never understood those feelings.
Anyways, her affection towards me began to subside after 6-8 months. She tended to incline more towards her faith, gradually preferring her religion to real love, and started looking for friendship in her faith.
Meanwhile, I too got a job placement and couldn't give her much time due to the work, this was the time when there was no access to the internet at the workplace and having a broadband connection at a rented house was a luxury. Though, nothing could stop me from dreaming about her and the time we spent together. We usually used to talk over the cellphone every week and were in touch through SMS. According to her, she belonged to the working-class, her father was a taxi driver and her financial condition wasn't good enough for her to make international calls, so I used to call her. Here, I was working hard for only one objective, and that was to get a chance to meet her in real.
As all the unsuccessful stories end in disaster, this one was also destroyed after a revelation made by an unknown guy on my email, who claimed himself to be her BF.
I inquired, and we fought soon afterwards, I admit that I got so mad at her while in this fragile virtual world, you own nothing. She ran away without saying anything. We separated with heavy hearts, deciding not to meet each other again. She kept changing her nicknames and emails and found other people's any, but I guess she couldn't find solace. Here, my passion for her was stronger than any fight we had. Destiny regularly crossed our paths, and every time we met, talked and spent some time together but could not rejuvenate our love, cause she had lost the spark and I had lost faith in her. I couldn't ever trust her again; frankly, she never cared to rebuild that trust. It seems she also lost interest in our relationship.
But I kept missing her, I never realized that She had become an inseparable part of me. I still remember her birthday and never miss wishing her on her dead nicknames/e-mails. Even today, I feel that I care for her, but perhaps I don't love her, only cherish the moments we spent together. We played many games together, role-playing games, hide and seek, and storytelling. Share many childhood incidents, learned about many new stories and customs. Watched TV programs together, and even spent entire days together.
I wish to see her again Healthy and Happy, pray to the almighty for her and her family's well-being and thank her for those short but permanent precious moments she shared with me!!
Hi there...such a beautiful profile text and story that touched my romantic soul that l allowed myself to being this first who comment it,long text so proper long commentary...you created amazing and sincere text as a message of something important in your life and what left a permanent mark in it...l was reading this with big interest,l congratulate on the idea and courage to show your personal feelings in public place cause not everyone can do it and sincerely advise you to cherish your memories because such people,even if they disappear from our lives, really they remain in it forever...l wish you happines and fulfillment in life,whatever it mean for you :) btw l always knew that OB is a really extraordinary place,seem to be only a place of meetings in games,but it is something much much more important...
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